Our Courses

Essentials Certification

Copyright Basics (half day; 3 CPD points) [Available In-House only]

Copyright is an exclusive legal right granted to the creator of original work to permit or prevent other people from copying it. If you need to know how long copyright lasts, what it protects or planning on publishing content online, this is the course for you. This half day course is aimed at those who require a basic understanding of the core principles underpinning copyright and their responsibilities.

Course learning objectives:

Data Protection Basics (half day; 3 CPD points) [Available In-House only]

Participants will gain the knowledge and skills needed to navigate data protection in real-world scenarios. Attendees will also gain an understanding of the UK’s key data protection legislation (the UK General Data Protection Regulations and the Data Protection Act 2018).

Course learning objectives:

Copyright Essentials (full day; 6 CPD points)

This detailed course provides a comprehensive introduction to the practical aspects of copyright which is essential to understand for any organisation looking to protect and commercialise their assets as well as use content created by others. Other forms of intellectual property are briefly outlined.

Course learning objectives:

Data Protection Essentials (full day; 6 CPD points)

This course provides a practical and hands-on approach to understanding data protection. Participants will gain the knowledge and skills needed to navigate data protection in real-world scenarios. Attendees will also gain an understanding of the UK’s key data protection legislation (the UK General Data Protection Regulations and the Data Protection Act 2018).

Course learning objectives:

Intermediate Certification

Exceptions to Copyright (half day; 3 CPD points)

Exceptions to copyright provide opportunities to use copyright protected works without the need to get permission from rights holders. However, they can only be used in specific contexts defined by the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988; as amended and revised. This intermediate course explores exceptions to copyright and how they can be used to support a broad range of activities.

Course learning objectives:

Managing Orphan Works (half day; 3 CPD points)

Orphan Works (works in copyright where rights holders are unknown or cannot be traced) present substantial issues in terms of digitisation and publication of copyright works. Across UK heritage institutions, there will be hundreds of millions of orphan works, including photographs, letters, prints, films, sound recordings, plays, broadcasts and drawings. This workshop will review the extent of the issue, reasons for orphan works and the options for how they can be managed and used. Participants will be encouraged to plan their own next-step strategies for the management of orphan works during the course.


This half-day intermediate course will benefit those wanting to expand their knowledge of orphan works management and embed best practice in their organisation. It will be of particular benefit to professionals working in museums, libraries and archives.

Course learning objectives:

Creative Commons Licensing (half day; 3 CPD points)

Creative Commons Licences are increasingly used to facilitate the sharing and repurposing of copyright-protected content; including resources developed using public funding. This course explains the implications of each type of Creative Commons licence and explores the advantages and the risks associated with their use.

Course learning objectives:

Copyright and Volunteer Management (half day; 3 CPD points)

The cultural heritage sector relies on volunteers. However, volunteers do not have the same legal status as employees in terms of copyright. This means that a good understanding of the legal rights and responsibilities around copyright is integral to managing volunteer roles.

Course learning objectives:

Copyright Licensing (half day; 3 CPD points)

Licences are the tool used by rights holders to enable the reuse of their intellectual property assets. This detailed intermediary course provides a solid grounding in how licences are intrinsic to the use and the protection of copyright works.

Course learning objectives:

Crown and Parliamentary Copyright (half day; 3 CPD points)

Crown copyright subsists in material created by civil servants, ministers and government departments and agencies. Parliamentary copyright applies to work made by or under the direction or control of the House of Commons or the House of Lords. This intermediate course explores how different rules apply to Crown and Parliamentary copyright works.

Course learning objectives:

Copyright and Audio-visual Material (half day; 3 CPD points)

Copyright in material such as film and sound recordings is complicated due to the layers of rights that need to be considered. This course examines the copyright and other rights issues inherent in audio visual works and how they may be used and licensed.

Course learning objectives:

Data Protection Rights and DSARs (half day; 3 CPD points)

This course will help participants understand their responsibilities when individuals exercise their rights under data protection law. This course explores the management of Data Subject Access Requests (DSARs) with scenarios that guide participants through the essential steps involved in handling requests compliantly.

Course learning objectives:

Information Security and Data Breach Management (half day; 3 CPD points)

Participants will gain an understanding of the UK’s key data protection legislation (the UK General Data Protection Regulations (UK GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018) and how these relate to the wider discipline of information/cyber security. The course focuses on key areas of compliance, such as technical security controls, response strategies to data breaches and reporting to the ICO.

Course learning objectives:

Information Sharing Data Processors and Contracts (half day; 3 CPD points)

This course will help participants understand the requirements of Data Sharing Agreements and Data Processing Addendums. It will also explore the relationship between a Data Processor and a Data Controller. The course uses examples to take participants through the necessary steps and legal considerations.

Course learning objectives:

Privacy by Design (half day; 3 CPD points)

This practical course will help participants understand the requirements of Privacy by Design and Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIA)s. The course uses mock examples of a DPIA to walk through the necessary steps and legal considerations.

Course learning objectives:

Data Protection Law for Archive, Museum and Library and Collections (half day; 3 CPD points)

This course provides a practical approach to understanding data protection in the context of archives and, museums. Participants will gain the knowledge and skills needed to navigate data protection in real-world scenarios. Attendees will also gain an understanding of the UK’s key data protection legislation (the UK General Data Protection Regulations (UK GDPR), the Data Protection Act 2018) and how it relates specifically to archives and museums.

Course learning objectives:

Find out more

To book a course for your organisation, contact our Training Manager Emma@naomikorn.com or see our public programme

Emilia Frost